#Trust - A modern accent tap exercise
This accent-tap exercise is inspired by a song of the progressive rock band Ulysses, called #Trust: A Modern Love Song. The exercise alternates between a straight 4/4 time feel, a syncopated 4/4 feel and a 15/8 time signature, which makes the exercise very interesting to hear and play.
When ordering this etude, you will get a single user license of the sheet music. There's also an audiotrack included with a full battery + drum-kit playing the etude, so you can also listen to the snare drum parts and play along with a full battery. You can listen to a preview of that track here.
File type
- The sheet music is in a .pdf format. That means that you will need a pdf-reader on your device to read the music. Nowadays, on most devices there's already a pdf-reader installed by default.
- We've also included a .mp3 file type audiotrack, to play-along with. For this file type you will need a mp3 player. On most devices there's also a mp3 player installed by default.